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Update Sucks

The heist was underwhelming but alright. Me and my friends didnt do stealth and it's pretty hard. The AR loadout sucks balls. the pistol they give you is terrible especially when shooting out of vehicles, the enemies are bullet sponges, they laser you and kill your ass instantly.. the pay is bad unless youre combing the whole map to get the most amount of money, which probably takes a loong as time to do properly in stealth, and of course as with any heist, after you die and restart your snacks and armor dont reset so fun times all around knowing that every time you die its getting harder and harder.
the only part of the island you can return to is the party at the very beginning. I dont think I'm wrong when saying everyone was expecting an island resort to fuck around in like any other place in the game.. well there is nothing to do but dance once you come back. you cant use your weapons and you cant explore the island again. hell you cant even go back unless you yourself hosted the heist. my friend who hosted it was the only one to see the blue circle to go back to the beach party and from there he could invite us.
"Cayo Perico is not only the nerve center of El Rubio’s drug empire, but the island also plays host to his other great love: marathon dance parties on golden beaches, where everyone from jetsetters and heiresses to legendary music producers gather to rave until the sun comes up."
i guess they werent wrong when writing this description, as "dance parties" are the only thing you can do on the island.
the submarine is cool i guess but if there's one part of the map i hate being in, its the ocean. its out of the way and just annoying to navigate. it'll end up being as useless as the yacht except for the hub in which you start the heist and setups. and the dj floor on the casino is just a reskin of our nightclub. nothin' special.
overrall bad first impressions but i'll be doing the heist some more in different ways to see if we just chose a poor setup that made everything shitty. the island not being freeroam is the biggest kicker.
submitted by KernelScout to gtaonline [link] [comments]


Many People have been talking about having a business update which I totally agree with but aside from that here are a couple of Ideas that may have been brought up already(I'm not really sure)
1: I think we should have an Update that not only allows you to start your own startup company/business and own stocks but with addition to that we should be able to start our own Law Firm and our own private practice for Dental,Medical,etc.., and if we are a chef I think we should be able to open our own restaurant or restaurants and if we are a barber(potential future job) we should be able to open up our own barbershops or barbershop, oh and also we should be able to own our own nightclubs,casino's, hotels etc.. ( mentioned before)
2: Not only that I also think that we should have more schools added for example Barber School,Culinary School,etc...,.
3.I think for the Royals you should provide them with there own Royal Planes just like in real life the Queen of England has her own Royal Train and Plane, and also for the President you should provide them with Air Force One and also I think you should provide the Royals and Top Government officials with their own personal security detail.(mentioned before)
4.Also, if you are the King or Queen of England you should be able to Reign over the Commonwealth Realms which are territories of the British Empire/ and you should be able to travel to these places and stay for as long as you like.
5.I also think they should create more Law & Enforcement Job Options along with more Government Jobs and Military General Rank options for example,Vice President, Secretary of Sate, NSA Director,FBI,4 Star General,General of the Army, Secret Service,Congressmen and Senator etc...
6.I also think that we should be able to start our own charity organizations ( mentioned already) and also be able to date and marry other celebrities and if we are already royal we should still be able to date and marry other royals.(mentioned already)
  1. As mentioned before we should be able to play in professional sports,rent out properties,buy stock,buy businesses,sale businesses and hire people such as maids,butlers, personal chefs etc..,
8.Also I think even if we aren't a government official but we are famous or a business tycoon we should be able to hire our own body guards, and also last but not least I think that we should be have more jobs. (I think it has been mentioned before)
submitted by Numerous_Magician359 to BitLifeApp [link] [comments]

My take on fixing the "Star Wars" Sequel Trilogy (Part 2)

Part 1 is HERE, if you're curious.
This is the first half of my reimagining of Episode VIII. I wanted to fit it all in one post, but it got a little long.
I promise: I'll post the second half as soon as it's finished.
Full disclosure: I'm one of the Star Wars fans who liked The Last Jedi. In fact, I'd go so far as to call it my favorite movie in the Sequel Trilogy.
No, I don't think it was perfect. No, I don't think you're a bad person if you didn't like it. But as I said in my last post, I firmly believe that the single biggest problem with the Sequel Trilogy is that it felt more like an extended tribute to the Original Trilogy than a meaningful continuation of its story; I also happen to believe that The Last Jedi was the major exception to that rule.
Love it or hate it, it's hard to deny that The Last Jedi charted its own course, and it was anything but a safe slice of fanservice. It developed the central characters of the Original Trilogy in bold ways, it went out of its way to shake up the classic Star Wars formula, it explored an array of ambitious themes, and it actively avoided following the same plot structure as the Original Trilogy.
It's also easily the most visually unique entry in the Sequel Trilogy, with multiple striking set-pieces that look absolutely nothing like anything in the Original Trilogy. The desolate island planet of Ahch-To, the swanky resort/casino of Canto Bight, and the red deserts and crystal caverns of Crait were nothing if not original.
I'm not here to argue with people who disliked The Last Jedi; I think we're all pretty sick of arguing about that film by now. But I will tell you up-front: of my three reimaginings of the Sequel Trilogy, this one will be the least changed from the source material. Consider yourself forewarned.
The story so far:
Thirty years after the death of Emperor Palpatine, an uneasy peace reigns over the galaxy.
The New Republic, a democratic regime founded by the heroes of the victorious Rebel Alliance, rules over most of the galaxy from the capital world of Coruscant, its mighty space fleet patrolling the spaceways from the Core Worlds to the Outer Rim. But in the wake of the mysterious disappearance of the legendary Jedi Knight known as Luke Skywalker, the future of the galaxy appears uncertain.
Despite the New Republic's best intentions, most of the galaxy's wealth is concentrated in the hands of an elite group of traders and industrialists who profited from the rebuilding of the Core Worlds after the devastation of the Galactic Civil War. Since those dark days, divisions between rich and poor have left the vast majority of the galaxy's population living in squalor, leading to simmering tensions in even the most civilized worlds. On most habitable worlds, the New Republic keeps order with the aid of well-armed Planetary Security forces, who often use brutal methods to quell unrest and root out suspected radical groups.
Amid this world of tension, an underground society known only as "The Resistance" claims to champion the ideals of Luke Skywalker, who once stood as a beacon of hope against the forces of tyranny and injustice. Some view the Resistance as dangerous radicals, but others see them as idealistic crusaders keeping the values of the old Rebel Alliance alive.
Visually, this era of Star Wars is inspired less by pulp science-fiction of the '30s and '40s (Buck Rogers, Flash Gordon, John Carter of Mars, Lensmen, etc.) and more by cyberpunk fiction of the '80s and '90s (Neuromancer, Snow Crash, Blade Runner, Ghost in the Shell, etc.). The Resistance aren't an upstanding crew of gallant freedom fighters—they're a morally ambiguous band of tattooed street punks who can usually be found hanging out in seedy night clubs at the heart of densely populated cities. "Planetary Security" aren't styled after goose-stepping Nazi Stormtroopers or SS Officers, but after modern-day American SWAT teams or riot cops. Rey didn't grow up on a Tatooine-esque desert planet covered in scrapyards, she grew up in the shantytowns of a sprawling planet-sized city.
If you need a visual reference: think this, or this, or this.
In the Unknown Regions, the splintered remnants of the fallen Galactic Empire fight a long guerrilla war in the darkness of space, regularly launching surprise attacks on unprepared worlds in the Outer Rim as they spin plans to return the Empire to its former glory. Of the dozens of terrorist groups who continue to champion the Imperial cause, among the most merciless is "The First Order", an elusive band of fanatics led by the masked warrior Kylo Ren and his mysterious mentor known only as "The Oracle".
Not too long ago, Kylo Ren and his companions (known as "The Knights of Ren") embarked on a mission to the desolate backwater planet of Eravana, looking for an aging old hermit called Lor San Tekka. As it turned out, San Tekka was a former member of the Jedi Order who was among the last people ever to see Luke Skywalker alive—and he possessed valuable information that held the key to revealing his old friend's whereabouts.
In a brutal raid, Ren and his companions murdered San Tekka, took the encrypted map that he kept concealed in his necklace, and killed all witnesses in the nearby village that San Tekka guarded in his twilight years. But in the aftermath of the raid, one of Ren's loyal Stormtroopers—designated "FN-2187", but nicknamed "Finn"—suffered a crisis of conscience, and resolved to leave the First Order to defect to the New Republic. Believing that he could buy a new life with information on Luke Skywalker, he stole San Tekka's map and fled to the nearest inhabited world: a densely populated planet called Jakku covered by sprawling cities.
Much to his dismay, Finn soon learned that it wouldn't be so easy to outrun his past. Not long after he arrived on Jakku, he found himself fighting for his life when the local Planetary Security force recognized him as a member of an Imperial loyalist group and tried to kill him on the spot. Soon after that, he learned that many of the New Republic's power-brokers were perfectly content to let Luke Skywalker stay in exile, viewing him as a dangerous revolutionary who would provoke unrest among the common people.
While on the run from Planetary Security, Finn crossed paths with Rey, an orphaned young woman who was abandoned by her parents in the city's squalid shantytowns when she was just a girl. With the help of Rey and her trusty droid companion BB-8 (whom she built from spare parts), Finn sought out the local Resistance chapter in a seedy nightclub, knowing that they didn't share the New Republic's feelings on Luke Skywalker. Upon realizing that Lor San Tekka's map really did lead straight to Skywalker, the Resistance pledged their help in decoding the map, and offered to give Finn and Rey safe passage to their safehouse on the planet Takodana. After the Resistance made a call to a certain space pilot loyal to their cause, roguish Resistance agent Poe Dameron pledged to accompany Finn and Rey on their journey.
With both Kylo Ren and Planetary Security hot on their trail, Finn, Rey, and Poe made a mad dash to Jakku's local spaceport, determined to make their rendezvous with the Resistance's pilot. Much to their surprise, they discovered that the pilot was none other than Han Solo, who had gone underground and joined the Resistance along with his faithful co-pilot Chewbacca. During the journey to Takodana, Han revealed that Kylo Ren was actually his son Ben Solo, a former pupil of Luke Skywalker who turned against him and destroyed his academy. While Han didn't know Luke's whereabouts, he also revealed that Luke vanished shortly after Ben's betrayal—possibly because he felt responsible for it.
On Takodana, where the trio met Han's estranged wife Leia Organa—who had also gone underground and joined the Resistance—the Resistance set about decoding the map. Before they could, though, the Resistance's safehouse fell under an orbital strike from Kylo Ren, who had managed to track them to Takodana. Entering the safehouse with his Stormtroopers, Kylo took the encrypted map and captured Rey, then departed for his hidden fortress on the planet Ilum. Determined to reclaim the map and rescue Rey, Han took Finn, Poe, and Chewbacca to Ilum in the Falcon, secretly planning to confront his son and convince him to return to his family.
After being interrogated by the First Order for information on Luke Skywalker, Rey miraculously managed to escape from her cell in Kylo's fortress by taking advantage of her latent sensitivity to the Force. Later, as Han entered the fortress with his companions in tow, he called out to his son by name after recognizing him from a distance—but Finn and Poe were forced to watch helplessly as a visibly conflicted Kylo ignited his lightsaber and stabbed his father through the chest, killing him.
While making her way through the fortress in search of a way out, Rey accidentally stumbled upon Kylo's personal quarters, where he kept a shrine dedicated to his grandfather Anakin Skywalker, the man once known as "Darth Vader". Among the relics in the shrine was the distinctive black helmet that Anakin wore after his turn to the Dark Side, but also the lightsaber that he wielded as a Jedi—which was inherited by Luke Skywalker. Desperate for a weapon to defend herself, Rey took the lightsaber and instinctively ignited it when Kylo cornered her outside the fortress. In a fierce lightsaber duel, Rey surprisingly managed to hold her own against Kylo, and narrowly managed to escape with her life when Finn and Poe spotted her and picked her up in the Falcon.
Rey, Finn, and Poe returned to Takodana with the map in hand, and finally managed to decode it, revealing that Luke Skywalker was on the distant ocean-covered planet of Ahch-To. But Leia, who had sensed Rey's budding sensitivity to the Force, urged Rey to make the journey to Ahch-To without her companions, hoping that Luke could teach her the ways of the Jedi and help her master her new abilities. Heeding Leia's advice, Leia boarded the Falcon with Chewbacca and R2-D2 as her co-pilots, and set course for Ahch-To.
After a long flight over Ahch-To's endless seas, she landed on a strangely familiar island, which she seemed to remember from her dreams. On the island, a mysterious figure in a hooded robe stood before a lonely stone temple, seemingly waiting for her. When she held out Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber to the mysterious figure, he removed his hood—revealing the face of Luke Skywalker.
And now, our story continues...
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...
(cue the fanfare)
At the center of the New Republic, legendary freedom fighter Leia Organa returns to the capital world of Coruscant. Accompanied by her two newest companions, Leia prepares to call the galaxy to arms as a new war looms on the horizon.
Meanwhile, Kylo Ren—the man once known as Ben Solo—gathers the forces of the sinister First Order for a desperate attack on the heart of the Republic, determined to strike back against the forces of the Resistance who once defied him.
In the dark days to come, only the last of the Jedi can restore hope to the galaxy in the face of tyranny. After ten years in exile, Luke Skywalker must confront his destiny...
After a long journey through space, a starship drops out of hyperspace in the orbit of a planet at the heart of the Galactic Core. At the bridge of the starship, Leia Organa looks down upon the surface of Coruscant—the world where her father once trained as a Jedi, and where her mother once represented her people as a member of the Galactic Senate. Nearby, Poe Dameron and Finn look down at the capital of the New Republic as their loyal companion BB-8 excitedly chirps and beeps.
Finn, who was born on a backwater planet on the Outer Rim, is visibly awestruck at the sight of the planet. Poe, a hard-bitten member of the Resistance with no love for the New Republic, looks down on it with disdain.
"This is it?" Finn asks.
"Yeah, this is it," Poe says cynically. "The bright center of the universe..."
Leia breathes deeply as her starship descends, preparing to dock at the spaceport.
"A long time ago, I swore I'd never come back to this cess-pit," she says. "I hate to break a promise. But if we're gonna bring down the First Order, we're gonna need help. Something's coming—and I've got a bad feeling about it."
In the darkened halls of his starship, Kylo Ren confers with his companions—the seven masked warriors known as "The Knights of Ren"—as he prepares for a meeting with his mentor "The Oracle". For the first time, we hear Kylo address the seven warriors by name, and it immediately becomes clear that Kylo (once called "Ben Solo") isn't the only one of them who cast aside his birth name. His companions (in no particular order) call themselves "Tarmin Ren", "Mokkar Ren", "Kadori Ren", "Shakar Ren", "Darro Ren", "Yandoss Ren", and "Vorjall Ren".
As soon as we learn this, it becomes instantly clear that the surname "Ren" holds some personal significance for Kylo and his seven companions, and that each of them chose to take it. But what does it mean?
"There are hard days coming," Kylo tells his companions. "The Force is strong with me, but I am no immortal. If I don't survive the battle to come, you must keep our crusade alive. Long ago, we swore an oath to each other. We swore that this war would only the beginning. Soon, we will embark on the final path toward ultimate power. But until then, you must stay on Ilum and await my return. Stay, train, and remember our oath."
As the Knights of Ren bid farewell to Kylo and board a shuttle bound for their fortress on the planet Ilum, Kylo steps into the personal chambers of the Oracle.
The Oracle's skin is deathly pale, his limbs are long and distorted, half of his face is covered in a horrific burn, and electrical wires extend under his skin like nerves. Upon seeing him in person, we see that he's strapped to a reclining chair and attached to a life-support machine, and is seemingly too frail and injured to stand. When he speaks, his voice warbles and reverberates with electronic sounds. A holographic monitor above his head displays his heartbeats and brainwaves, and seven armed warriors dressed in identical red armor—his Praetorian Guard—surround him at all times.
"My worthy disciple..." the Oracle breathes.
"It's coming, Oracle," Kylo says. "The day that you foresaw. The death of the New Republic draws near."
"And yet, my visions tell of something else," the Oracle says. "Skywalker lives. The seed of the Jedi Order lives. As long as it does, hope lives in the galaxy."
"It won't matter," Kylo says. "I'll burn down everything he built. If Skywalker would return, let him rule over dust and ash."
"You forget, boy... I know of what you seek. You and your companions. This war is only the beginning. And when the day comes to seek out the ultimate power, you will not find it without me."
"I've forgotten nothing, Oracle," Kylo says, bowing. "And I promise you this: when that day comes, the New Republic will not stand in our way."
On the planet Ahch-To, we rejoin Rey.
On a barren rock at the center of an endless ocean, she approaches Luke Skywalker and presents him with his father's lightsaber—the noble weapon entrusted to him by his mentor Obi-Wan Kenobi, which was seemingly lost forever on Cloud City.
Luke steps forward and accepts the lightsaber, clasping it in his metallic hand. For a moment, he seems overcome by memories of his past. But as soon as that moment passes, he nonchalantly tosses the weapon over his shoulder, then walks away without a word. Perplexed, Rey tries to follow him, even as she gradually realizes that the legendary "Sky-Walker" has been changed profoundly by his time in isolation.
A far cry from the dashing, handsome war hero worshipped by the Resistance, Luke's hair and beard have grown long, his face is wind-burned, and he dresses in weather-beaten robes. At the top of a hill, she sees a simple hut built of mossy stones, where Luke has apparently lived for 10 long years without a soul for company. As he trudges up to the top of the hill, walks into his hut, and slams the door in her face, he never once glances back at his old lightsaber.
Undaunted, Rey follows him into his hut, with Chewbacca following close behind. Luke does his best to blow them off, but Rey persists, following him around the rugged island as he goes about his daily chores. After telling Luke about her recent experiences, Rey insists that she won't leave until Luke trains her in the ways of the Force. Although Luke is devastated to learn of the death of his old friend Han Solo, he stubbornly refuses to train Rey. Having clearly become bitter and jaded in his old age, Luke insists that his training couldn't do Rey any good.
"Something inside me has always been there," Rey says. "And now it's awake. And I'm afraid. I don't know what it is, or what to do with it. And I need help!"
"You need a teacher. I can't teach you," Luke says. "I will never train another generation of Jedi. I came to this island to die. It's time for the Jedi to end."
Rey is utterly shocked to hear Luke so callously reject the Jedi, but she still can't bring herself to abandon her mission. When night falls, she goes to sleep outside Luke's hut, planning to ask him again in the morning.
Later that night, Luke creeps into the Millennium Falcon while Rey sleeps, and he finds himself overcome by his old memories as he walks through the familiar hallways of the spaceship that once took him on a fateful journey to the Death Star. While on his way out, he unexpectedly bumps into his trusty old droid R2-D2, who is ecstatic to see his master again after ten long years. Artoo pleads with Luke to leave his self-imposed exile and return to the Republic, but Luke still refuses—until Artoo tugs at his heartstrings by playing the holographic message from Princess Leia that once spurred him to leave Tatooine to fulfill his destiny. As Luke hears the familiar words "Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi—you're my only hope!", he realizes that he can't deny who he truly is.
He promises Rey that he will begin training her at dawn, but tells her that he will only give her three lessons on the Force.
Back on his starship, Kylo Ren strides from the Oracle's chamber and walks into another room. The room is empty—but when he presses a button on the wall, the lights dim, and the room is filled with a massive hologram. Kylo suddenly finds himself at the center of a massive auditorium filled with shadowed figures, all of them dressed in the traditional colors of the old Galactic Empire. Some of them dress in blood-red armor, others in crisp black naval uniforms, others in white robes; in one corner of the auditorium, we see a group of men in grey chainmail with faces covered in black tattoos.
"Who summons us?" one man calls out in a mocking voice. "Another pretender to the Imperial throne?"
Kylo steps into the light.
"I am Kylo Ren—master of the Knights of Ren, and Supreme Commandant of the First Order!" he responds. "I am no pretender, and I have come to claim no throne. Only my destiny."
Cruel laughter fills the room.
"And what of you?" Kylo asks. "Make yourselves known."
One by one, the leaders of the various assembled groups step out of the shadows and announce themselves.
"The Commander of the Crimson Legion stands present!"
"The Admiral of the Black Fleet stands present!"
"The Sovereign of the Dark Chosen stands present!"
"The Lord of the True Sith stands present!"
In our last adventure, it was well-established that the First Order are just one of many terrorist organizations formed from the splintered remnants of the fallen Empire, and they've been fighting a protracted guerrilla war against the New Republic while hiding in the Unknown Regions. Now, for the first time, we get a real idea of just how many Imperial loyalists groups are really hiding out on the fringes of the Galaxy. And for the first time in a long while, the leaders of the most powerful groups have come together to discuss an alliance.
Some of them are partisan soldiers, others are Dark Side cultists, others command pirate space fleets, and some are adept warriors who practice the secret martial disciplines once wielded by Palpatine's elite Royal Guard. They all have their own private missions and agendas, but they all share a common dream: the eradication of the New Republic, and the rebirth of the Galactic Empire.
"The New Republic has spread like a cancer. It is a parasite, corrupting the heart of a galaxy that was once great," Kylo says. "On Coruscant, where the Imperial Palace once stood, the bureaucrats of the Senate rule over a kingdom of beggars and thieves, bowing to the whims of the weak and the cowardly! But I know the same sacred truth that Palpatine knew: the Galaxy belongs only to the strong!"
A murmur of approval echoes through the room—but one of Kylo's invited guests remains skeptical.
"And you mean to challenge them, do you? Shall the fleet of the New Republic bow to a half-grown boy?"
As an answer, Kylo pulls a familiar object from the folds of his cloak and holds it up to the light. His guests gasp in shock as they get a good look at it. It's Darth Vader's helmet!
"They will bow to the heir of Darth Vader!" he calls, his voice echoing through the chamber.
"Who are you, Ren?" the skeptical guest asks. "Who are you, truly?"
A sly smile crosses Kylo's lips.
"Once, my name was Ben Solo," he says. "My father was a lowborn smuggler. My mother, raised by the Queen of Alderaan, was the daughter of a Jedi Knight. His name was Anakin Skywalker—but you knew him by another name."
Kylo ignites his lightsaber as he holds Vader's helmet aloft.
"I fight in the name of my grandfather, who once led the Empire to victory. I remember those who came before me. And when the time comes, I ask only that you take what is yours."
After a long silence, someone finally speaks.
"What do you propose?" he asks.
Once again, Kylo smiles.
"Stay vigilant for word from Coruscant," he says.
On Coruscant, Leia disembarks from her starship with Finn, Poe, and BB-8 in tow, and she's promptly greeted by mobs of spectators—some of whom clearly adore her, and some of whom apparently despise her. Since she went underground and joined the Resistance years earlier, Leia hasn't been seen in public in a long time, much less on the capital planet of the New Republic.
A short distance away, Leia's destination looms above the crowds. It's the Galactic Senate Chamber—the building where Palpatine declared himself Emperor over half a century ago. She doesn't say a word, but the implication is clear: Leia has come to address the Senate on the threat of the First Order. Just like her mother, who once appeared before the Senate to call for aid on behalf of her people, Leia plans to call for aid against those who would keep Palpatine's dream alive.
Inside the Senate Chamber, a massive multi-species delegation of planetary representatives has gathered to hear Leia's testimony. Before she approaches the platform at the center of the chamber, she orders Poe and Finn to wait on the sidelines for her.
"It's been seven years since your last public appearance," one Senator says, as Leia takes the stand. "What urgent matter begs the attention of a princess?"
Derisive laughter echoes through the chamber, but Leia stays passive.
"I was a princess once," Leia says pensively. "I was a rebel. A diplomat. A smuggler's lover. It never really mattered to me. At heart, I've only ever been a soldier."
"Once, perhaps," the Senator fires back. "This is peacetime, Your Highness. Have you forgotten that?"
"I don't forget many things," Leia says. "Can you say the same?"
A murmur of unrest echoes through the chamber. The Senator, unamused, proceeds forward.
"Speak your piece, Your Highness," he says coldly. "You have the floor."
True to his word, Luke gives Rey her first lesson in the Force in the early morning hours, encouraging her to reach out with her feelings while meditating at the top of a mountain. As Rey feels herself mentally connecting with the life around her, Luke tells her that the Force pervades all things, and all things achieve balance through the Force. Life and Death, Light and Darkness, Birth and Decay, and all of the forces that shape the universe itself. Rey realizes that she feels that same Force within herself.
While the Force once gave the Jedi great power, Luke believes that the Jedi were undone by their arrogance when they convinced themselves that the Force belonged to them. As he tells Rey: even if the Jedi die out, the Force can never truly fade away—and the people of the Galaxy don't need the Jedi to teach them how to connect with the Force.
"And this is the lesson," Luke says. "The Force does not belong to the Jedi. To say that if the Jedi die the Light dies is vanity. Can you feel that?"
But Rey's lesson suddenly takes a dark turn when Rey senses something truly powerful and truly evil: a dark cavern beneath Luke's island temple, where the Dark Side of the Force gathers and festers. Something in the cavern calls out to her, promising to answer every question that she's asked herself since she was young. Despite Luke's warnings, Rey finds herself drawn to the darkness, forcing Luke to cut her lesson short.
Visibly disturbed, Luke realizes that Rey's connection to the Force might be stronger than he realized—and she might be more susceptible to the allure of the Dark Side than he feared.
"That place was trying to show me something," Rey says.
"It offered you something you needed," Luke says. "And you didn't even try to stop yourself! I've seen this raw strength only once before, in Ben Solo. It didn't scare me enough then. It does now."
As Luke strides away, Rey contemplates the unsteady ground beneath her feet, wondering what the cave was trying to show her.
"I think my report speaks for itself," Leia says, at the conclusion of a short speech before the Senate.
"Yes, quite..." the Senator says. "A terrorist base on Ilum? A fanatic with a lightsaber?"
"A fanatic with a lightsaber and an army," Leia corrects him. "Kylo Ren is more than a terrorist. He has ambition. He has charisma. And he has power. Power like I haven't felt in years. Not since..."
Leia's voice falters as she remembers her first encounter with her father as an adult. She doesn't finish her sentence, but her thoughts are clear: "Not since I stared Darth Vader in the face."
"By all means, Your Highness..." the Senator says, rolling his eyes. "Indulge us with your murmurings about ripples in the Force!"
Mocking laughter echoes through the chamber. It's immediately clear that few of the Senators take the Force seriously, dismissing it as an ignorant superstition.
For the first time since she arrived on Coruscant, Leia raises her voice. Anger flashes in her eyes as she silences the laughter with a single word.
"QUIET!" she yells. "Don't you ever forget: I fought on the frontlines with the Rebel Alliance! I gave everything I had to their cause, and I nearly died for it! I haven't forgotten what I fought against. Thirty years ago, I learned the true meaning of evil, and I stared it down and held my ground. The Dark Side isn't a fairy tale. Believe in it, or don't. It'll rip your heart out just the same."
Sufficiently goaded, the Senator rises to his feet.
"You would dare befoul this chamber with your superstitious clamor?" he fires back. "And shall we be lectured on evil by the daughter of Darth Vader?"
All around the chamber, Senators audibly gasp. Leia stares down her adversary from across the length of the room, and his lips curl into an arrogant sneer. He has mentioned her greatest shame—the one that she could never overcome.
"We haven't forgotten the past," the Senator says. "We remember what happened when the Jedi were allowed free reign. We remember what happened when the people of the Galaxy vainly put their faith in the Force. And we remember the Jedi who sat at the Emperor's right hand. Rest assured: the past will not repeat itself. If the Jedi would die, then let them die."
Leia's lips tremble as she struggles to speak.
"The Jedi aren't dead," she says. "There's one left. And he won't stay gone forever."
"Luke Skywalker..." the Senator says derisively. "You say that you've foreseen a dark future for this Republic. So tell us, Your Highness: when that future comes, will one old man be enough to save us?"
Leia takes a deep breath.
"For all our sakes, I hope so."
Kylo Ren's starship drops out of hyperspace, accompanied by dozens of First Order ships. As the fleet courses through the darkness of space, we see that they're flying in formation around a strange-looking starcraft that doesn't look quite like anything we've seen before. Its body is elongated, it's covered with transparent viewing windows, and glowing orbs endlessly spin around its midsection, pulsing and crackling with powerful energy.
At the bridge of his flagship, Kylo sits behind a control panel. In the viewing window, a planet comes into view.
It's Coruscant. Kylo Ren and the First Order have come to the capital of the New Republic.
"Remember the plan," Kylo says to his officers. "And ready the Star Hammer. We've only got one shot at this!"
In a pristine Planetary Security station at the heart of Coruscant—similar to the one we saw on Jakku—uniformed officers monitor a series of holographic computer banks, which display Coruscant's defense grid of armed orbital satellites. Suddenly, one by one, the computer monitors begin flashing bright red.
"Something's not right..." a Planetary Security officer says, suddenly worried. "We're losing contact with our orbital defense grid!"
As his starship enters Coruscant's orbit, Kylo keys a command into a computer panel.
Back in the Planetary Security station on the surface of the planet, a look of abject horror crosses one officer's face.
"No..." he breathes. "That's not possible!"
"What's going on?" his commander asks.
"It's our defense grid... We can't get a signal through, but our satellites are still moving on their own! They're turning—and they're aiming at the surface of the planet!"
In an instant, the commander realizes what's happening: someone has hacked Coruscant's defense grid, and they're attacking the planet with its own defenses!
The commander begins barking orders to his subordinants.
"Send a message to every security station on the planet: the capital is under attack!" he yells.
In the Senate Chamber, Leia and the Senator stare each other down. But before either of them can say another word, the building shakes, and the ground rumbles.
Outside, a massive barrage of laser-fire rains down from the sky as the hacked satellites fire at the surface of Coruscant. Within moments, the center of the city is in flames. Buildings buckle and collapse, and the screams and cries of dying civilians echo through the streets.
Inside the Senate Chamber, a Planetary Security squad rushes inside and orders the assembled Senators to evacuate. As the terrified politicians prepare to follow the Planetary Security officers to the nearest spaceport, one of the officers points to Leia.
"You! Come with us, Your Highness. We have orders to evacuate you separately!"
Leia gestures to Finn and Poe, who look around in terror and confusion as Coruscant collapses around them.
"I'm not leaving alone," Leia says. "They're coming with me!"
Together, Leia and her companions make a mad dash to the spaceport as chaos erupts all around them. In the skies above Coruscant, the First Order's warships come into view as they unleash a hellish artillery barrage on the buildings below.
After a long run to the spaceport, the Planetary Security officers direct Leia to her ride off of Coruscant. To her surprise, it's not a civilian transport—it's the Comet Chaser, a warship in the New Republic space fleet.
"You've been designated a critical asset by New Republic High Command!" the officer says. "You have intelligence on the First Order. That means we want you by our side."
They board the Comet Chaser. Evading enemy fire, the warship takes off into the sky to join the unfolding space battle.
But the worst is yet to come...
In Coruscant's orbit, Kylo's elongated spacecraft—the mighty Star Hammer—charges its central reactor, and the glowing orbs spinning around its midsection begin to speed up. On the bridge of his starship, Kylo lays his hands on his control panel and begins making a complex gesture with his hands. The spinning orbs around the Star Hammer's midsection begin to speed up—and somewhere in the distance, a massive object approaches Coruscant...
Back in the Planetary Security station on Coruscant's surface, one of the monitoring computers goes haywire. Heads turn as it begins beeping a shrill warning siren.
"Something's coming..." one of the officers says. "Gravity fluctuations are off the chart! Whatever it is, it's big!"
When he realizes what he's looking at, the commanding officer's mouth hangs open in shock.
In the orbit of Coruscant, we zoom in on the Star Hammer as it shoots a burst of iridescent blue energy into the distance and hits Coruscant's moon. Finally, we realize what the Star Hammer is doing: it's an advanced superweapon that controls gravity, and it's caught Coruscant's moon in a powerful tractor beam. Now, as the First Order rains destruction down on the the New Republic's capital, it's preparing to hurl the moon at the surface of Coruscant, forcing the two celestial bodies into a massive collision that will wipe out all life on the planet.
As the moon moves inexorably toward the surface of Coruscant, hundreds of civilian transports take off, desperately attempting to flee to freedom.
On the surface of Coruscant, all Hell breaks loose as the moon comes into view, looming large over the seas of panicking civilians on the ground. Earthquakes tear through the surface of the planet, the ground splits open, and buildings collapse by the dozens.
The Republic space fleet can repel an enemy space fleet, but they can't fight the raw power of gravity. Somewhere in the distance, Republic starships attempt to fight their way through the First Order's battle lines to take a shot at the Star Hammer and stop the moon—but it's already too late.
As the Comet Chaser carries them into space, Finn and Poe can only watch in awe and horror as the moon slams into Coruscant, obliterating the New Republic's capital within moments.
Far away, on another starship, a man dressed in Imperial colors watches the destruction of Coruscant unfold on a holographic viewscreen. As we soon see, it's the same man who skeptically dismissed Kylo at his gathering.
Suddenly, Kylo's face appears in his viewscreen as he sends him a transmission from Coruscant. He leans in close, staring coldly.
"Do I have your attention now?" Kylo asks.
TL;DR: My version of The Last Jedi begins with Kylo Ren and the First Order forming a massive alliance of terrorist groups who continue to champion the cause of the Galactic Empire. While Rey trains with Luke on Ahch-To, Finn and Poe accompany Leia to the New Republic capital of Coruscant, where Leia attempts to warn the Galactic Senate of the threat of the First Order. Despite her best efforts, Leia's warnings are ignored by the Senate, who dismiss her visions of the rebirth of the Dark Side as superstitious prattle.
In the middle of Leia's speech before the Senate, the First Order launches a shocking attack on the capital, using an experimental weapon known as "The Star Hammer" (which controls gravity) to hurl Coruscant's moon at the surface of the planet, wiping out most life on Coruscant. Amid the chaos, Leia narrowly manages to escape in a New Republic warship with Finn and Poe—but the First Order's attack turns out to be the first step in a coordinated assault, signaling Imperial loyalists all across the Galaxy to emerge from the shadows and attack the Republic.
Additionally: the Knights of Ren have names, and it's established that they all use the surname "Ren"—hinting that the name holds some personal significance for them. And in a conversation between Kylo Ren and his mysterious mentor "The Oracle", it's hinted that Kylo's war with the New Republic is just the first step in a quest for ultimate power.
submitted by themightyheptagon to fixingmovies [link] [comments]

What kind of property's would you like to purchase in GTA 6?

What kind of property's would you like to purchase in GTA 6?
I enjoyed the property system in GTA Online Bikers, Nightclubs DLC and Vice City Stories: Empire Building; I would like to see a combination of the two in the next instalment. For example, I would like to purchase the following: Hotels, Bars, Car Dealerships, Nightclubs, Restaurants, Theme Parks, Racing Tracks, Casinos, Shopping Malls, Media companies, Airports and Supermarkets as well. I would also enjoy it if the main protagonist could hire security or staff to run and protect these enterprises when the main protagonist is out on a mission. What would you like to purchase as a business to start off your empire?

submitted by Hightoryland to GTA6 [link] [comments]

Solo money making guide for new players.

Building your business empire for new players.

This all includes. (Don't buy any cosmetic upgrades such as decor, personal quarters, garages etc).
Cost to own everything needed for the guide is: $28,925,000 - $31,540,000. However, you DON'T need to buy all of them at once. Read below on how to gradually build your business empire.
Note: The CEO office, MC clubhouse, Bunker, Nightclub, Terrorbyte and Arcade are all basic without any additions such as accommodations, gun locker, etc. Also security upgrades is optional but not recommended.
You only need $3 million dollars to get started.
Just buy the Maze bank west CEO office ($1,000,000), Buzzard ($1,750,000) and Convenience store warehouse ($250,000).
Work with someone who read the main guide above.
Weapons you'll need.

My guide to get rich for new players.

For more info and a more in depth guide for all the businesses visit The GTA Online Mega Guide. Also it contains guides on how to get rich from being poor if your starting out and want to get the CEO office. https://www.reddit.com/gtaonline/comments/8xvpow/the_gta_online_mega_guide/.
  1. If you have Rockstar social club account then you should get the Elegy for free. Use that vehicle to travel around for now.
  2. Important: Read this guide here before moving further to number 4. https://www.reddit.com/gtaonline/comments/ef40az/tips_for_new_players_look_at_comment/fby3g4c/
  3. Buy the Micro SMG and Special Carbine at Ammunation.
  4. You should have about around $700,000 at this point since you done number 2 and bought the Micro SMG and Special Carbine so use that money to buy a high end ten car garage. The cheapest one costs $200,000 located in Del Perro Pier. Also make sure to buy the Heist Heavy outfit; only costs about $20,000 before doing the Heists .
  5. Do original Heists. I know it can be hard to find players these days since almost nobody plays original Heists but I recommend you check the HeistTeams subreddit to find players on your platform they may also help you get the Criminal Mastermind challenge if your very lucky to find experienced players who are great with Heists. Quick tips from me: Do the setups on Normal since you don't get paid as host and it makes it a bit easier but always do the finale on Hard for max payout. Only do setups on Hard if your doing the criminal mastermind challenge or your playing with high level players who most likely experienced and know what they're doing on the original heists. Always set to player saved outfits so you can use the Heist Heavy outfit (Only in Heists setups or finales that allows you to use players saved outfits). Make sure to save the Heist Heavy outfit so it can be used if you set to "Player Saved Oufits".You should get $100,000 bonus for completing each finale for the first time and $1,000,000 bonus for doing all in order from Fleeca Job, Prison Break, Humane Labs Raid, Series A and Pacific Standard Heists from setup to finale in order as host. Read this thread for more Heist tips: https://www.reddit.com/gtaonline/comments/31yrwz/mega_list_of_heist_tips_tricks/ Note: Scroll down the comments section of that thread for more tips for Heists.
  6. You should have $2,500,000-3,000,000 at this point so buy an Armoured Kuruma for future Heist attempts and for bullet protection during contact missions. There's guides on which are the best contact missions for low ranks see GTA Online Mega Guide thread for more about contact missions. Also buy the Buzzard very important vehicle you can get.
  7. Use Buzzard to continue to do Sightseer, Headhunter and Hostile Takeover in a cycle using the Buzzard you just bought to make things so much easier. See the VIP Wave method on the GTA Online Mega Guide thread. Also do contact missions to mix things up a little. Join Casino Heist or other Heist finales for extra money should you complete them. Racing and PVP adversary modes or deathmatches aren't for everyone because not everyone can race or is unskilled in PVP.
  8. Once you made $1,000,000 buy the cheapest CEO Office.
  9. Save up to $250,000 to buy the cheapest special cargo warehouse.
  10. Once you got the Buzzard, CEO Office and Special Cargo warehouse. Congratulations; your ready to do the steps below, scroll down.

How to gradually build your business empire.

1. Most important vehicle you can possibly own is a Buzzard so make sure you buy it before starting the steps.
2. Buy a small warehouse and do step 2 until you have enough money for the I/E warehouse.
Here's a modified version of step 2 for new players since your very likely don't have a Terrorbyte yet.
  1. Do Headhunter.
  2. Source three crates.
  3. Do Sightseer.
  4. Source three crates.
  5. Do Headhunter.
  6. Source three crates.
  7. Do Sightseer.
  8. Sell warehouse.
  9. Repeat 2-8 or keep going until you have 16 crates then sell.
3. Buy a Import Export warehouse.
To always source top range cars, keep sourcing vehicles until you have 10 standard and 10 mid range cars. Sell any standard and mid range dupes (same model but different variant vehicle). Once you have 10 standard and 10 mid range cars, then you are guaranteed to source only top range vehicles.
Here's a modified version of Step 1.
  1. Do Headhunter.
  2. Source vehicle.
  3. Do Sightseer.
  4. Sell vehicle.
  5. Do Headhunter.
  6. Source vehicle.
  7. Do Sightseer.
  8. Sell Vehicle.
  9. Repeat 5-8.
4. Buy an Arcade somewhere in Vinewood or La Mesa so you can do the Casino Heists.
5. If you make enough money buy a Bunker in Farmhouse or Chumash.
6. Buy the Great Chaparral clubhouse.
7. If you have enough for the MC Businesses buy the Coke, Meth and Cash in Grand Senora desert.
8. If you have enough for the Nightclub buy the one in Downtown Vinewood.
9. Once you have enough money, buy the Terrorbyte and the drone station.
10. Once you have all the businesses, a Terrorbyte and an Arcade with Master Control Terminal.
If you do get bored with grinding since you spent hours grinding with those steps.
submitted by xInfected_Virus to u/xInfected_Virus [link] [comments]

What should my next step be? (Noob)

I played casually off and on since launch and I kinda want to get into the game more now. (Xbox) lvl 44
I have the following:
I/E warehouse
Nightclub - just bought on sale
Facility - just bought on sale
Best vehicles:
Bravado Guantlet Hellfire Muscle - from casino
Elegy R8
Should I just export cars all day til I can buy a flying vehicle?
Does the nightclub just make me money over time or do I need to visit it?
How do I go about doing the lucrative facility missions? Just go there and sit at a desk?
And are there any missions I should be doing from my phone?
I’m pretty sure I never did any of the heists or missions of my own just joined other people’s sessions.
I’ve made most of my money off selling other people’s stuff or doing the fun double money sumo car stuff and other racing stuff with a random mission here or there but idk where to even start setting up an empire with what I’ve got now.
Note: none of my businesses or offices have any upgrades yet.
Any help is appreciated thanks for taking the time to read my text wall.
submitted by Pure_Maniac to gtaonline [link] [comments]

สมัคร SAGAME88 คาสิโนนิวยอร์กซิตี้ปี2020นี่้

สมัคร SAGAME88 คาสิโนนิวยอร์กซิตี้ปี2020นี่้
สมัคร SAGAME88 ในช่วงเวลาที่การเดิมพันคาสิโนได้แพร่ไปทั่วทั้งประเทศชาวนิวยอร์กมีตัวเลือกมากไม่น้อยเลยทีเดียวด้านในสามชั่วโมงโดยรถยนต์ มหาสมุทรแอตแลนติกสิตีเป็นลู่ทางเดียวนอกจากเรือล่องเรือและก็ลาสเวกัสจนกระทั่งต้นสมัย 2000 คาสิโนหนึ่งที่อยู่ในควีนส์รวมทั้งที่เหลือก็อยู่ใกล้พอที่จะท่องเที่ยวแบบไปเช้าตรู่เย็นกลับ
สมัคร SAGAME88
Resorts World Casino ที่ Aqueduct in Queens เป็นคาสิโนที่เดียวในเขตของนครนิวยอร์ก คาสิโนเปิดในปี 2011 ในฐานะนักแข่งขันที่ Aqueduct ซึ่งเป็นสนามแข่งม้า เมืองนิวยอร์กอนุญาตให้เล่นการเดิมพันสล็อตวิดีโอที่สนามแข่งม้าที่เลือกไว้ด้วยเหตุผลดังกล่าวชื่อ "racino" เครื่องสล็อตวิดีโอและก็เกมบนโต๊ะมีให้บริการ ด้วย 4,400 สล็อตกางล็คแจ็คบาค้างร่าโป๊กเกอร์สามใบรูเล็ต craps บิ๊กซิกข์ซ์วีลรวมทั้งห้องที่มีขีด จำกัด สูงคุณจะอยู่ในสรวงสวรรค์ที่การเดิมพัน มีที่จอดรถฟรีถ้าคุณขับขี่รถหรือคุณสามารถนั่งรถไฟใต้ดินรถบัสหรือถนนหนทางรถไฟทดลองไอส์แลนด์
มหาสมุทรแอตแลนติกสิตี คาสิโนเก้าที่คอยคุณอยู่ที่มหาสมุทรแอตแลนติกสิตีเมืองนิวพบร์ซีย์ มันเป็นเกมการเดิมพันที่เข้มข้นที่สุดในเขต Tri-State แล้วก็การขับรถยนต์จากนครนิวยอร์กใช้เวลาโดยประมาณสองชั่วโมง คาสิโนตั้งอยู่บนทางเท้าชายหาดรวมทั้งที่ท่าเรือรวมทั้งคาสิโนทั้งผองเปิดให้บริการตลอดเวลา คุณจะต้องมีอายุ 21 ปีก็เลยจะพนันได้ในมหาสมุทรแอตแลนติกสิตี
คาสิโน Mohegan Sun ตั้งอยู่ในอันค้างสวิลล์เมืองคอนเนตทิคัตขับขี่รถราว 2.5 ชั่วโมงจากนิวยอร์ก Mohegan Sun เป็นเลิศในคาสิโนที่ใหญ่ที่สุดในสหรัฐฯ คาสิโนมีสล็อตเกมบนโต๊ะรวมทั้งโป๊กเกอร์ นอกเหนือจากการเล่นการเดิมพันคุณจะได้เจอกับดนตรีสดโดยวงดนตรีเขตแดนและก็การแสดงตลกขบขันและก็ดนตรี มีความรู้สึกว่ามันเป็นลาสเวกัสไลต์และก็อยู่ใกล้กับบ้าน
เซอร์วิสอพาร์ทเม้นท์คาสิโน Foxwoods Foxwoods อยู่ห่างจากนิวยอร์กสิตี้ราว 2.5 ชั่วโมง มีหกคาสิโนที่คอมเพล็กซ์การเดิมพัน - บังกะโลและก็ยังเป็นเลิศในจุดมุ่งหมายการเล่นเกมที่ใหญ่ที่สุดในประเทศด้วยสล็อตเกมตารางการพนันกีฬาแล้วก็โป๊กเกอร์ MGM Grand at Foxwoods เป็นส่วนต่อขยายที่เชื่อมต่อกับโรงแรมหลักโดยฟุตบาทที่เคลื่อน Foxwoods จองดาราหนังสนุกสนานตัวอย่างเช่นเทรเวอร์โนอาห์โทบีคี ธ แล้วก็อลิสัน Kraus นอกเหนือจากนั้นยังมีบาร์และก็ห้องอาหารให้เลือกเยอะแยะด้วยเหตุดังกล่าวตรงนี้ก็เลยเป็นสถานที่ที่เหมาะกับการพักผ่อนหย่อนใจตอนวันสุดสัปดาห์
เอ็มไพร์สิตี้คาสิโน Empire City ในยองเกอร์สนิวยอร์กเป็นเชื้อสายอื่นอย่างเช่น Aqueduct กับเครื่องเล่นวิดีโอสล็อต มันเชื่อมต่อกับ Yonkers Raceway ใน Westchester นิวยอร์กโดยประมาณ 20 ไมล์ตอนเหนือของ Times Square มันอยู่ทางด้านเหนือของบรองซ์และก็โดยประมาณ 30 นาทีจากควีนส์ racino เปิดในปี 2549 และก็สะดุดตานิดหน่อยเหตุเพราะอายุอย่างน้อยสำหรับในการเล่นเครื่องสล็อตเป็น 18 ซึ่งต่างจากคาสิโนอื่นๆในภูมิภาคที่อายุอย่างต่ำสำหรับในการเล่นสล็อตเป็น 21
Sands Casino Resort Bethlehem The Sands in Bethlehem เมืองเพนซิลเวเนียอยู่ห่างจากนิวยอร์กสิตี้ไม่ถึงสองชั่วโมง มันเปิดในปี 2009 รวมทั้งเดี๋ยวนี้มีเครื่องสล็อตแล้วก็เกมบนโต๊ะ นอกเหนือจากการเล่นการเดิมพันที่เซอร์วิสอพาร์ทเม้นท์ที่นี้คุณจะเจอกับการทานอาหารสุดหรูที่ห้องอาหารสามที่ของ Emeril ความสนุกสนานสดห้องเช่ารีสอร์ทสุดหรูสปารวมทั้งศูนย์บริหารร่างกายรวมทั้งห้างเอาท์เล็ท
โรงแรมคาสิโน Mount Airy ใช่ Mount Airy Lodge ที่งามเป็นเดี๋ยวนี้ Mount Airy Casino Resort คาสิโนแล้วก็รีสอร์ตของรีสอร์ทเปิดในปีพ. ศาสตราจารย์ 2550 มีสล็อตรวมทั้งเกมโต๊ะและก็มีรายการความรื่นเริงใจสดจากรายการเฮฮาจนกระทั่งร็อคแล้วก็โรงแสดงละคร หาสถานที่อันดับหนึ่งในหลายๆบาร์เพื่อดื่ม สมัคร SAGAME88 ดึกดื่นหรือนั่งเพื่อความเพลิดเพลินสดที่ Wet Nightclub แล้วก็ถ้าเกิดยังน้อยเกินไปก็มีสนามกอล์ฟ Mount Airy เป็นไดรฟ์ง่ายจากนิวยอร์กสิตี้; ใช้เวลาราวๆสองชั่วโมงกว่ากำลังจะถึงตรงนั้น
submitted by sagaming3 to u/sagaming3 [link] [comments]

Casino DLC: A musing on what it might be, and what I'd like.

So I know multiple people have posted similar, but, allow a man to dream.
Whilst we know it's gonna come with another almighty drip feed...cars, perhaps gradually released missions, hell...there's talk of a heist maybe being added...aside from any of this I really want the experience in the casino to be engaging and worthy of GTA.
What I don't want is for them to half ass it, turn it into another boring instalment of the same old overused mechanism: buy property / expensively (and possibly pointlessly) upgrade said property / source & deliver. It wouldn't be so bad if they facilitated a little extra individualism by way of more than 1 interior layout (looking at you nightclubs).
Having said that, how are they actually going to make this dlc? I will say that thinking a little about it, I wouldn't mind and could get excited about the idea of owning a casino and therefore managing another revenue stream. I'm not going to flesh out what I'd like that to include mind you, because, I'd much prefer the casino to simply be an environment for us to visit and spend time in.
Obviously though, where $ are involved R* will be looking for their own 'monei drop plz', being the shark card peddling deviants they are. And so, albeit without choice of location (a la Arena War), selling each of us the casino as a business opportunity makes sense. I very much doubt they will give us a fairly richly designed, engaging environment, just to try and make money from drip feed vehicles.
So despite my quite fancying casino ownership, this makes me sad...because what we are missing is places where as a user-base we can come together and be relatively civil and hang out. I'm quite happy for uncivil people to vent sheer anger down their headset as they bet it all on black, only for red to come in. But let's have somewhere to engage with each other or just the environment, in a less confrontational 'destroy everything' manner. The savagery that occurs down at Vanilla Unicorn sometimes...sheds tear.
With this said, what doesn't seem viable though, is for us to walk up to the casino doors to then get 32 options of which one to enter! It seems that to encourage interaction there should be plenty of NPC's and up to 32 players entering the same, the only casino.
So in my ideal world...what I would like from a non purchaseable casino dlc is:
1 - Poker:
I haven't played RDR, so I don't know how that version plays...but am aware indeed that RDR was probably R*'s testing ground and that what is there...is probably what will get reskinned to GTA.
For years I have pined for a poker minigame, not just an afterthought, but a well created one that immerses its players for as long as they wish. If Zynga can keep people logged into Facebook for full aeons of time, then, as with all good budding business ideas, why can't R* exclaim "why not" or "what if"...and end up with a decently functioning poker game that hooks its own player base?
However, I can see it now: no differing stakes, max buy-in $20,000...just like the Premium Races; or $1000 like the normal betting on races! Ok, $1000 is stupidly low, so surely not.
But they'll definitely want to prevent illegitimately gained money being dumped off to poor friends. They'll want to ensure people can't get wildly rich without having been driven to Sharkcard'ism. Good poker players can forget about making their GTA riches at the cloth.
What would be a great feature, one that would bring new life to past content, would be allowing home games in your apartments. Pop up poker table, invite people over, and play away. Personalised tables, chip sets, a hot hostess bringing your drinks orders to the table. ...Perhaps I'm now taking it too far!
To wrap up, a nice range of options for poker at the casino would be very welcome. I know tournaments are out of the question, even STT's. But a nice cash game poker room, with a choice of stakes, would be wonderful.
2 - House games / Slots:
A nice large gaming floor, mezzanine levels, private high roller areas, a mix of the usual games...would all be appreciated. Let's make this building we've all been waiting for -> wishing for -> dreaming of -> given up hope of ... a magnificent building that we want to spend time in and explore.
3 - Entertainment:
Remember the Perestroika from GTA 4? It would be great to have a stage with a few acts on, giving us another activity to experience. Now, obviously this is farrrrrr to much to expect...the all round design and labour on this is out of the question. But whilst we're dreaming...
4 - Music:
The music in the GTA:San Andreas casinos was fantastic. It really provided a great fun feel when entering. Hopefully the music is similarly good, yet with a bigger playlist.
5 - Immersion:
Onto smaller (and some dreamland) features now! I want the casino to be a place of no tryhards, no violence, no weapons. To be like the stripclub is not enough. No killing the doorman then letting guns blaze. No being like GTA:SA where you could survive whilst security and police come to gun you down. It should be like the security functions in the facility, guns disabled.
Dreamland: An on-site restaurant. An apartment for overnight stays / comps. NPC's that get pissed off with our plays at the table that then follow us when we leave to teach us a lesson. Remember the taxi driver options of previous games, well how about a 'Be a dealer' minigame. A valet minigame as well.
6 - Dripfeed Content:
Well, those better versed in culture than me could suggest vehicles of a casino related nature. I imagine that some of the cars associated with films that feature casinos should be an option; James Bond movies amongst many others.
Besides the thematically related options I'll certainly look forward to an injection of new vehicles. My garages won't, but I think we're well beyond the days of wishing for increased garage space!! There's plenty of vehicles that different demographics of the user base would like. Personally, give me some more luxury sedans, some more JDM...starting with a Mitsubishi GTO/3000, along with an old style Honda NSX/Acura.
Let's see some more clothing additions and perhaps a few new quick actions as well.
All in all I'm really looking forward to this DLC. I actually managed to curb my GTA addiction in recent months. Going from hours a day to minutes a month. Done right this DLC could have me chasing the dragon all over again - figuratively speaking, of course.
Beyond a Casino DLC....I still crave a pimping empire. Bring back looking after hoes. Let us go cruising for those ladies of the night, 'persuading' them to work for us...choosing their look...and putting them to work. My god, the possibilities.....
Anyway......, I know I've verbal diarrhoea'd this post; but if you want similar stuff, or fancy things I've missed...then share away and let's start a convo, let's build up our anticipation for the release.
And if you got this far...then well...quick action double tap: Salute
submitted by EdgyTwuntsEvrywhere to gtaonline [link] [comments]

[EVENT] Havana Conference Begins, Largest Meeting Of American Mobsters Since 1929

(Cuban response at the bottom)
The Havana Conference convened on December 20, 1946. Delegates were present representing New York City, New Jersey, Buffalo, Chicago, New Orleans and Florida, with the largest delegation of bosses from the New York-New Jersey area. Several major bosses from the Jewish Syndicate were at the conference to discuss joint La Cosa Nostra-Jewish Syndicate business. According to conference rules, the Jewish delegates could not vote on Cosa Nostra rules or policies; however, the Jewish crime bosses were allowed input on any joint business ventures, such as the Flamingo Hotel.

The Beginning

Luciano opened the Havana Conference by discussing a topic that would greatly affect his authority within the American Mafia; the position of "capo di tutti capi" or "boss of all bosses". The last official boss of all bosses had been Salvatore Maranzano, who was murdered in September 1931. By the end of 1931, Luciano had eliminated this top position and re-organized the Italian mafia into "La Cosa Nostra", or "This Thing of Ours". A board of directors, commonly called the "Commission", had been formed to oversee criminal activities, control rules, and set policies. La Cosa Nostra thus became the top criminal organization within the National Crime Syndicate.
Now Luciano could easily have declared himself as Maranzano's heir in 1932; instead, Luciano decided to exercise control behind the scenes. This arrangement had worked until Vito Genovese's return from Italy. Officially, Genovese was now just a caporegime; however, he had made it clear that he intended to take control of the Luciano crime family. Since Luciano's deportation in 1946, Luciano ally Frank Costello had been the acting boss of the Luciano family. As a result, tensions between the Costello and Genovese factions had started to fester. Luciano had no intention of stepping down as family boss; he had to do something about Genovese. Luciano also realized that Genovese threatened his overall authority and influence within the American mafia, probably with support from other crime bosses. Therefore, Luciano decided to resurrect the boss of all bosses position and claim it for himself. He hoped the other bosses would support him, either by officially affirming the title or at least by acknowledging that he was still "First Amongst Equals".
At the conference, Luciano allegedly presented the motion to retain his position as the top boss in La Cosa Nostra. Then Luciano ally, Albert "The Mad Hatter" Anastasia seconded the motion. Anastasia voted with Luciano because he felt threatened by Genovese's attempts to muscle in on his waterfront rackets. Checkmated by the Luciano-Costello-Anastasia alliance, Genovese was forced to swallow his ambitions and plan for the future. To further embarrass Genovese, Luciano encouraged Anastasia and Genovese to settle their differences and shake hands in front of the other bosses. This symbolic gesture was meant to prevent another bloody gang war such as the Castellammarese War of 1930–1931. With Luciano solidifying his personal position and squashing Genovese's ambition for now, Luciano brought up discussion of the mob's narcotics operations in the United States.


One of the key topics at the Havana Convention was the global narcotics trade and the mob's operations in the United States. A longstanding myth has been the supposed refusal of Luciano and the Cosa Nostra to deal in narcotics. In reality, only a few bosses such as Frank Costello and the other bosses who controlled lucrative gambling empires opposed narcotics. The anti-drug faction believed that the Cosa Nostra did not need narcotics profits, that narcotics brought unwanted law enforcement and media attention, and that the general public considered it to be a very harmful activity (unlike gambling). The pro-drug faction said that narcotics were far more profitable than any other illegal activity. Furthermore, if the Cosa Nostra ignored the drug trade, other criminal organizations would jump in and eventually diminish the Cosa Nostra's power and influence.
Luciano himself had a long involvement in the drug trade, starting as a smalltime street dealer in the late 1910s. In 1928, after the murder of Arnold "The Big Bankroll" Rothstein, Luciano and Louis "Lepke" Buchalter took over Rothstein's large drug importation operation. Since the 1920s, La Cosa Nostra had been involved in drug importation (heroin, cocaine, and marijuana) into North America. In the 1930s, the organization started transporting narcotics from the East Asia Golden Triangle and South America to Cuba and into Florida. The American mob's longtime association with the government of Cuba concerning gambling interests such as casinos along with their legitimate business investments on the Caribbean island put them in a position to use their political and underworld connections to make Cuba one of their narcotics importation layovers or smuggling points where the drugs could be stored and then placed on sea vessels before they continued on to Canada and United States via Montreal and Florida among the ports used by Luciano's associate

The Siegel Situation

The next item on the agenda at the Havana Conference was what Lansky called the "Siegel Situation". In the mid-1930s, the New York and Chicago crime families had been sent out west to set up and oversee a race wire service, gambling activities in Los Angeles and Nevada, and supervise narcotics shipments from Mexico. In a short while, Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel had become a very popular and visible figure in Hollywood's most glamorous circles.
The Flamingo Hotel was the creation of Billy Wilkerson, a Hollywood nightclub owner and one of the founders of The Hollywood Reporter. By the mid-1940s, it was an unfinished dream deferred. This Flamingo Hotel project became Siegel's obsession. Siegel persuaded his longtime friend and business associate Meyer Lansky to help him sell New York and Chicago crime bosses on investing in this project. Siegel promised the bosses that the hotel and casino would be a smart and profitable investment.
At the end of the Havana Conference, the tension between Luciano and Genovese allegedly reached a boiling point, according to "The Last Testament of Lucky Luciano", by Martin Gosch and Richard Hammer.

Government Response

The Cuban Government, knowing the watchful eyes of the FBI was on them, simply monitored these meetings. El Presidente actually even went as far to send escorts to some of the mobsters, to ensure they got to and from their destinations without other gangs assaulting them.
The United States is also fully aware of most of the content that was going on, bugging the meeting sites in 1945.
submitted by Airsherbe to AtomicAgePowers [link] [comments]

Sansha's money making notebook

all following data assumes all upgrades

1. cayo perico

This content is boring as shit so I'm not at all inclined to learn to min-max. You arrive, take some loot, then leave. That's literally it.

2. Casino Heist

3. Diamond Casino

Casinos are specifically designed from the ground up to take your money. Please do not be surprised when the casino takes your money.
Horse race glitch: no longer effective; leaving for posterity
  1. Pick any horse; which one no longer matters due to adjusted odds.
  2. Click and hold the increase bet arrow. Do not release mouse button until step 4.
  3. Immediately drag mouse down to 'place bet' button; total bet should be 200.
  4. Keep holding click for at least 8 seconds into the race. You can go for 10, or whatever works for you for best return.
What happens is for the first 7.5 seconds of the race, the bet counter continues to increase in the background up to 10,000. So you bet 200 chips but the game thinks you bet 10,000 from the beginning, and rewards as thus.
Host all casino story missions: $1,000,000
Participate in all casino story missions: $100,000 and free Enus Paragon R armored
Additional casino work available via Ms Baker on phone.
The penthouse's optional 'office' does not connect to any of your businesses; it is purely cosmetic/roleplay.

4. Nightclubs

income per hour:
Documents - $4k
Weed - $4.5k
Cash - $7k
Bunker (guns) - $7.5k
Meth - $8.5k
Cargo - $8.5k
Cocaine - $10k
Special orders give +10% profit, negating Tony's 10% cut
Avoid selling 90 or more units at one time, as one sale is bugged and can not be completed with a Pounder.
Tony's cut caps at $100k; sell over a million. Sweet spot for sales is over a million return, but under 90 units.

5. GunRunning bonker

Generate $7k stock every 7 minutes; set timers for one minute per $1k stock
Supply depletion in 2 hours, 20 minutes (140 minutes)
Product; units = value
25 = 175k - 1 sale vehicle; 262,500
50 = 350k - 1-2 sale vehicle; 524,000
75 = 525k - 2-3 sale vehicle; 786,000
100 = 700k - 2-4 sale vehicle; 1,048,000
Divide $ by 7,000 to get current total units
Resupply idle procedure:
  1. Fill bonker supply by stealing
  2. Select option to buy supplies (at $15k)
  3. Quickly enter any Contact Mission
  4. Proceed straight to apartment, Clubhouse, Hangar or Facility and have your character watch TV. A low or mid level apartment is ideal to minimize resource use; less on-screen graphics to render
  5. Go AFK or tab out for 2 hours and 10 minutes, then complete the Contact Mission
  6. Return to Freemode; wait for text message to confirm supplies arrival
tl;dr - effectively purchase $75,000 worth of supplies for $15,000, the cost being more than covered by the Contact Mission. Repeat as desired to fill bonker. This also fills nightclub.

6. Import/Export

Fill vehicle garage with every vehicle; export only High vehicles. Having remaining Standard and Mid ensures only High will be sourced.
Collection - 'Uninsurable' and 'End of Empires' only:
Osiris 'SLEEK'
Roosevelt 'OLDTIMER'
Talk to Assisstant, use Pegasus Concierge to leave the office in Cargobob, pick up and deliver sourced car.

7. doomsday bullshit

fuck this content, but it pays... kinda
Act I: $812,500
Act II: $1,187,500 - best act for cash grinding
Act III: $1,500,000
First Time (each Act): $50,000
All in Order: $500,000
Loyalty 2 Players: $75,000
Loyalty 3 Players: $175,000
Loyalty 4 Players: $375,000
DD Criminal Mastermind: the worst effort:reward in the game
2 Players: $750,000 - faster and easier to do Act II twice
3 Players: $1,750,000
4 Players: $3,750,000
tl;dr - do 4-player Loyalty and In Order then forget about it, though this is pretty solid grinding for players with little game time available to them

8. Classic Heists

Fleeca Job - 2 players, $143,500
Prison Break - 4 players, $500,000
Humane Labs - 4 players, $675,000
Series A - 4 players, $505,000
Pacific Standard - 4 players, $1,250,000
All In Order and Loyalty Challenges, $1,000,000 each. Criminal Mastermind, $10,000,000. Do all at the same time for $12,000,000 total payout at the end, with rewards for setups and finales etc close to $13,000,000.
First Person Challenge - all of the setups and finales - not necessarily in order - with First Person Camera Lock setting on - $100,000

9. special cargo, hangar cargo, biker biz

nope. The grind and sale time, effort and cost are not worth the reward. Sure, you'll make money doing it, but this content is tedious, frustrating, time-consuming and overall just not fun. Also, their hourly income makes them just not productive to do when you have much more profitable activities for your time and investment.

10. shit to do while cooldowns

  • Headhunter, preferably in a Hunter, or at least a Buzzard or Oppressor
  • Haulage, using Hauler MOC truck
  • Piracy Prevention, in a chill session when need a RL lunch break
Follow instructions; become unreasonably wealthy. Also, join a fucking cartel already; you have no excuse not to be in chill, helpful sessions with like-minded colleagues.
Friendly Lobbies:
/SecuroServ - cross platform
/ceofriendly - PS4
And, last but certainly not least, gtacartel
submitted by SanshaXII to gtaonline [link] [comments]

July 2019 Olean Area Things to Do

What are you most looking forward to in the month of July? First comment has more events.
Please include links to the event info if possible.
submitted by pschultz to olean [link] [comments]

Numerical, A-C 10k-50k

0xProject 100DaysofKeto 100pushups 100thieves 11foot8 1200isfineIGUESSugh 1200isjerky 1200isplentyketo 13ReasonsWhy 15minutefood 1911 195 1DaySkill 23andme 24hoursupport 2b2t 2mad4madlads 30PlusSkinCare 32dollars 360video 3Blue1Brown 3d6 3Dmodeling 3DSdeals 3dsFCswap 3dsmax 3dspiracy 40k 40kOrkScience 45thworldproblems 4chanExploitables 4ChanMeta 4hourbodyslowcarb 4Runner 4x4 4Xgaming 52book 52weeksofcooking 5ToubunNoHanayome 6thForm 7daystodie 80s 80sdesign 80smusic 90dayfianceuncensored 90daysgoal 90s 90sAlternative 90scartoons 90sdesign 90sHipHop 90smusic 9gag 9M9H9E9

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA aaaaaaacccccccce AAF_Football abandoned ABCC ABCDesis abletonlive ABraThatDoesntFit AbruptChaos absolutelynotanimeirl absoluteunit absolver abv AcademicBiblical AcademicPhilosophy AcademicPsychology AccidentalArtGallery AccidentalCamouflage AccidentalCosplay AccidentalKubrick accidentallycommunist accidentallyliberian accidentalrockwell AccidentalShoeLoss AccidentalSlapStick accidentalsurrealism accidentaltopgear AccurateBattleSim Accutane AceAttorney acecombat Achain_Official Achievement_Hunter ACMilan acne acorns ACPocketCamp ACT acting ActionFigures ACTrade actualconspiracies actuary acturnips adderall addiction Adelaide adhd_anxiety adhdmeme adidas AdmiralBulldog AdobeIllustrator adops Adoption AdoptMyVillager AdorableDragons adorableoldpeople adrenaline ads adult_toys adultery Adulting AdultsAreFuckinStupid adultswim advancedentrepreneur AdvancedProduction AdvancedRunning adventures AdventuresOfSabrina AdviceAtheists aelfofficial AerialPorn aerospace AerospaceEngineering Aerum aesthetic aestheticrain aesthetics Affiliatemarketing AFL AFOL Africa AfterTheLoop againstmensrights Agario agedlikewine ageofsigmar aggies agile agnostic Agraelus Agriculture AgriculturePorn Ahegao_IRL AhriMains Ai_Shinozaki AirBnB airplaneears airplanes airplants airpods airsoftmarket AirSwimming airz23 AITA ak47 akalimains AkameGaKILL Alabama AlAnon AlanWatts alaska albania alberta albiononline Albuquerque alchemy AlcoholGifRecipes alcoholicsanonymous alcoholism aldi Aleague alexa AliceEve Alienware Aliexpress AlignmentCharts AlissaViolet AliveCasino_AL ALLIVE_Official allthingsprotoss AllThingsTerran allthingszerg almosthomeless AlmostParkour alpinism alteredcarbon AlternateHistory AlternativeHealth AlternativeHistory Alternativerock AlyRaisman Amanda_Seyfried AmandaEliseLee amateur_boxing amateurfights AmateurPhotography amateurradio AmazingTechnology amazonprime amazonreviews AmazonUnder5 AmazonWTF Amber_Heard ambien ambientmusic ambigrams AMD_Stock americangods Ameristralia AmIFreeToGo Amigurumi AmISexy Amouranth Amsterdam amv AmyAdams AnadeArmas AnaheimDucks AnalogCommunity analogygifs analytics Anarchy101 AnarchyChess AnastasiyaKvitko AncientAliens AncientCivilizations ancientegypt ancientgreece ancienthistory ancientrome Androgynoushotties android_beta AndroidAuto androidcirclejerk AndroidMasterRace AndroidTV angelsbaseball Anger AngieVarona AngieVaronaLegal angrycatpics angular Angular2 Animal_Sanctuary AnimalCollective AnimalRights Animals AnimalsBeingConfused AnimalsBeingGeniuses AnimalsBeingLoveable AnimalsBeingPerfect AnimalsBeingSleepy animalsbeingstupid AnimalsFailing animalslookingatfood AnimalsMonching animalssmiling AnimalsWithoutNecks Animedubs AnimeFigures animelegwear animememes animemusic animenews AnimePhoneWallpapers animepiracy animeponytails AnimeSketch Anki anllelasagra Anna_Faith Anna_Louise annakendrick AnnArbor AnneHathaway anno anonymous ANormalDayInAmerica ANormalDayInJapan ansible anthologymemes Anti_Meme AntiAntiJokes antiassholedesign antibaw AntifascistsofReddit antifastonetoss antimeme antinatalism Antiques antivax AntiVaxxers antiwork Antshares AnxietyDepression Anxietyhelp AnythingGoesNews AnythingGoesPics AOC apex_legends ApexOutlands APH aphextwin apocalympics2016 ApocalypsePorn AppleByteMe applehelp AppleMusic appleswap appletv AppNana apps aprilfools APStudents aquaponics aquarium Aquascape AquaSwap AR10 arabs arcadefire archeage Archeology ArchivePorn arcticmonkeys ArduinoProjects ArenaHS arenaofvalor ARG ArianaGrandeAss arielwinter arizona Arkansas ArkEcosystem ARKone arkps4 ArmoredWarfare armoredwomen ARMS AROOOOOOO AroundTheNFL ArtBuddy ArtCrit ArtDeco ArtHistory Artifact ArtificialInteligence ArtistLounge ArtOfRolling artstore AsABlackMan asatru Asch_Platform Asexual asexuality Ashens asheville Ashley_Graham asianamerican asianbeautyexchange asianeats asianfitgirls AsianGirls AsianGirlsWithGlasses AsianLadyboners AsianMasculinity AsianParentStories Asiantraps AsiaTripper ask Ask_Politics ask_transgender askashittydoctor AskAShittyMechanic AskAstrologers askastronomy AskBaking askcarsales AskComputerScience AskDrugNerds askdrugs AskEconomics AskEurope AskFeminists AskFoodHistorians AskGameMasters AskGames AskHistory AskHR AskLEO AskLiteraryStudies AskLosAngeles AskMarketing askmeaboutmyjob AskNYC AskOldPeople AskParents AskPhotography AskPhysics AskProgramming askpsychology AskScienceDiscussion askseddit AskSF AskStatistics AskTechnology AskThe_Donald askTO AskTrollX AskVet AskWomenOver30 asl asoiafcirclejerk ASOUE aspergirls aspiememes AssassinsCreedOdyssey assettocorsa AssPotatoCucumberDog astrologymemes astrologyreadings Astroneer astrophysics Astros ASU ATAAE AteThePasta atheismrebooted AtlantaHawks AtlantaTV AtlantaUnited AtomicPorn atoptics ATT AubreyPlaza auckland audible audio audiobooksonyoutube audiodrama Audiomemes audiophilemusic AudioPost augmentedreality AusFinance auslaw AustralianCattleDog AustralianMakeup AustralianPolitics AustralianShepherd austrian_economics autism AutoChess Autoflowers Automate autotldr AutumnPorn avengedsevenfold AverageBattlestations AVexchange aviationmaintenance aviationpics AVINOC AVoid5 avporn awardtravel AwesomeOffBrands aww_gifs awwakeup awwgifs awwnverts awwtf AXELNetwork axolotls Ayahuasca ayylmao AZCardinals aznidentity AZURE AzureLane

babies babushkadogs BABY_ANIMAL_GIFS babyduckgifs babyhippogifs BABYMETAL babyrhinogifs babywearing Backcountry BackgroundArt backpacks BacktotheFuture BackYardChickens Bacon BadAssShaggy BadAtCat badcode badeconomics badlegaladvice badlinguistics badmathematics BadMensAnatomy badMovies BadMUAs badparents badparking badpeoplestories badphilosophy badpolitics BadRocketLeagueGoals badroommates badscience badtaxidermy badUIbattles baduk Bailey_Powell bakchodi bakedart bakeoff bald baldursgate balisong BALLET ballpython baltimore BaltimoreAndDCr4r bangalore BanGDream Banished banjo Banking Banksy banned BannedFromThe_Donald bapcsalescanada bapeheads BarbaraPalvin BarbaraWalters4Scale Barca Barcelona BarcodePorn bardmains BarefootRunning barista Barry Barthor Basebaww BaseBuildingGames bash Basketball BasketballTips bassfishing bassnectar BatFacts BatmanArkham BATProject Battleborn battlebots battlecats battlefield3 battlefield_live battlefront BattlefrontTWO Battlegrounds BattleJackets battlemaps BattlePaintings BattleRite Battletechgame Battletops battlewagon batty baww bayeuxtapestry BCoinsg beach BeachCity Beachporn beadsprites beagle BeansInThings BearCubGIFs BeardedDragons BeardPorn bears BearsWithBeaks beatlescirclejerk Beatmatch beatsaber BeatzCoin BeautifulFemales BeautyAddiction BeautyDiagrams becomeaman BedroomBands bee_irl beermoneyglobal beerwithaview bees beforeandafteredit BeforePost beginnerprojects BeginnerWoodWorking Beginning_Photography BehavioralEconomics behindthephoto BehindTheTables BellaThorne Bellingham bending bengals BenignExistence Bento benzodiazepines berkeley berlin bernesemountaindogs BernieSanders berserklejerk Besiege Best_tattoos Bestbuy BestOfAmazonPrime bestofcraigslist BestOfLiveleak bestofTLDR bestoftwitter bestofWritingPrompts BethesdaSoftworks Beto2020 BettermentBookClub BGCCircleJerk Bgogo bi_irl Bible bicycletouring bigbangedmemes bigbangtheory BigChungus bigdata bigfoot BigMouth bigniggasaga bigseo bikepacking Bikeporn bikesgonewild bikewrench BillAndPhil BillBurr billiards billieeilish Billions billwurtzmemes BinanceExchange BingeEatingDisorder bingingwithbabish Biochemistry bioinformatics bioniclelego bioniclememes biotech bipolar2 BipolarReddit birding birdpics BirdsForScale birdstakingthetrain Birmingham birthcontrol birthofasub bisexualadults bitcademyfb BitchImATrain bitcoin_uncensored BitcoinCA Bitcoincash BitcoinMining bitcoinxt BitLifeApp BitMarket blackberry blackbookgraffiti BlackClover Blackfellas blackfriday BlackHair BlackHairedGirls blackholedmemes blackladies BlackMetal blackops2 Blackout2015 BlackPink blacksmithing BladeAndSorcery bladeandsoul bladerunner Bladesmith blakelively Blazblue blazbluextagbattle BleachBraveSouls bleachshirts blessedcomments Blink182 Blizzard blockchainio Blogging blogs blogsnark blok bloodbowl blowit Bluegrass BlueJackets BlueOrigin blues bluesguitarist Blup blurrypicturesofcats blurrypicturesofdogs BManiaNSFW bmx Boardgamedeals BoardwalkEmpire boating boatporn bobdylan bobross boburnham bodegaboys BodyAcceptance bodymods BodyPaintNSFW Bogleheads Boise BokuNoMetaAcademia BoldmanCapital bollywood Bombing bonehealingjuice Bongocat boniver bonnaroo BonsaiPorn Booette boogie2988 bookbinding bookclapreviewclap bookexchange bookhaul booklists bookquotes bookshelf BoomBeach boomershumor boostedboards BoostForReddit bootleg_memes bootroom BorderCollie BorderlandsPreSequel Borderporn BoringCompany borrow borussiadortmund Boruto Bossfightarena BossFights BossfightUniverse BostonBruins BostonSocialClub BostonTerrier bostontrees BotanicalPorn botany botsrights bottlebrush botw boulder bowhunting Bowling Boxer BPDlovedones BPDmemes bptcg BradyHaran brakebills brandnew brandonsanderson BranWinsTheThrone brasilivre bravefrontier Braveryjerk Braves BravoRealHousewives Brawlhalla BrazilianBabes breakingbadcomics breakingmom breastfeeding Breathless BreedingDittos Brewers brewing brexit BrickBlock bridezillas BrieLarson bristol britishcolumbia BritishTV britpics BroadCity Broadway Brochet BrokeHobbies Brooklyn brownbeauty brownman Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt bruhmoment BryceDallasHoward BSD BSG btd6 BTFC BTS buccaneers buccos budgetveggie Buffalo buffalobills buffy bugout buildmeapc bujo bulbasaurmasterrace bulgaria Bulldogs Bumble BundleOfBrittany BunniesStandingUp burgers BurningMan Business_Ideas BusinessHub BusinessIntelligence businessschool BusinessTantrums Busty_Petite Buttcoin BuzzFeedUnsolved BytecoinBCN

c137 C_Programming C_S_T cabins cablefail cablegore CableManagement cactus cad cade cafe CafeRacers CAguns cakeday cakedecorating Cakes CAKEWIN CalamariRaceTeam calculus CalgaryFlames CallMeCarson CallMeKevin callofcthulhu CallOfDutyBlackOps4 CallOfDutyWorldWarTwo calmhands caloriecount camaro Cameras CamilaCabello CamillaHasselgaard CampfireCooking camphalfblood canadaguns CanadianForces CanadianInvestor CanadianMOMs canadients canberra cancer candiceswanepoel canes cannabiscultivation Canning CannotWatchScottsTots canon canucks Capitalism CapitalismVSocialism caps CaptainDisillusion CaptainSparklez CaptchaArt capybara CaraDelevingne CarAV carbage carcrash CardiB Cardinals carlhprogramming CarmellaRose CarolineVreeland Carpentry CartoonGangsters cartoons Cascadia Casefile caseyneistat CasiDavis cassetteculture cassiebrown CastleRockTV castlevania CastRecordings casualknitting casualnintendo CasualPokemonTrades cat cataclysmdda Catan catapult_memes catastrophicsuccess Catbun CatCircles catfruit CatHighFive CatholicMemes catreactiongifs CatReactions CatsAndDogsBFF CatsBeingCats CatsInBusinessAttire CatsInSinks Catsmirin CatsMurderingToddlers CatsNamedToothless CatsOnCats CatsOnPizza catsridingroombas catssittingdown catsvstechnology caughtcheating caving CayleeCowan cbdinfo celeb_redheads CelebBattles CelebGfys celebrities CelebrityArmpits Celebrityasses CelebrityFeet celebritylegs CelebsBR Celiac CelineFarach cellbits CemeteryPorn CemuPiracy Ceramics cerebral CerseiWinsTheThrone CFA CFL chadsriseup Championship chanceme ChanceTheRapper changelog ChannelWatch ChantelJeffries chanzhfsneakers chapotraphouse2 Charcuterie Chargers ChargeYourPhone Charity Charleston Charlotte CharlotteHornets CharlotteMcKinney CharlyJordan Chattanooga cheatatmathhomework cheating_stories cheerleaders Cheese cheesemaking Chefit chefknives chemhelp ChemicalEngineering chemistrymemes chernobyl ChernobylTV CherokeeXJ Chevy chicagofood ChicagoSuburbs Chicken_Thoughts chickens chickswithchokers 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CNNmemes cocaine cockatiel CodAW CodeGeass Codependency codes codyslab COents CoffeeWithJesus Coilporn CoinBase coins CoinsuperEx Coldplay coldshowers collegebaseball collegecooking CollegeGirlsKiss Colombia ColoradoAvalanche ColoradoRockies ColoradoSprings ColorBlind Colts Columbus comedyamputation ComedyArchaeology comedybangbang ComedyHitmen comeonandslam comicbookart comicbookcollecting comiccon ComicWalls commandandconquer commandline CommentAwardsForum CommercialRealEstate CommunismMemes CompanyOfHeroes compDota2 CompetitiveEDH CompetitiveForHonor CompetitiveWoW composer composting CompTIA CompulsiveSkinPicking ComputerEngineering computerforensics computergraphics ComputerSecurity computertechs computervision computing conan ConanBeingAwesome ConanExiles ConanTravels conceptart Concordia conduitporn ConfusedTravolta ConfusingGravity confusingperspective conlangs Connecticut conservation conservatives consoledeals conspiracies ConspiracyII ConspiracyMemes Construction 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empire casino nightclub video

The Empire Casino is a relaxed place to have fun so our dress code is smart casual (no jacket required), and jeans and trainers are OK as long as they’re not scruffy. Entry to the casino is free and you don’t have to be a member. Just show up with photo ID if you’re lucky enough to look under 25, even if you only plan to visit a bar or the restaurant. Read More. Caesars Rewards. Our ... Empire Ballroom is an independent venue, so unlike many of the other Las Vegas hot spots you will not find this club inside of a hotel or casino. Reservations are accepted and it's highly recommended that you consider them thanks to how busy this hot spot is. Offering multiple rooms you will get the feel that you are in a party house, with every room offering something new and worthwhile to ... NIGHTCLUB/CASINO. Dexter’s Nightclub; Empire City Casino; Foxwoods Casino; Latitude Bar & Grill; back to Portfolio. Empire City Casino. Goldman Design Group 143 Rowayton Ave Rowayton , Ct 06853 tel: 203-618-1820 x23 [email protected]. www.goldmandesigngroup.com website hosted by Safe Cloud Servers ... Enjoy all the Casino at the Empire as to offer this New Year's Eve and enjoy free entry, a glass of bubbly on arrival, 5 bars and entertainment all night to welcome in the new year. Those looking for a budget friendly alternative to the standard overpriced club night need look no further than the Casino at the Empire. With the Shadow Nightclub open until 3am, New Year's Eve at this Casino will ... Located just 20 miles north of Times Square, Empire City casino is easily accessible from all locations. Learn More. entertainment. Our Current Entertainment. Check out our all Promotions and Entertainment. Check out our all Promotions and Entertainment. Buy Tickets. restaurant. Empire City Chophouse . You will enjoy the finest in prime steaks, and extensive selection of wines by the glass at ... Empire Ballroom Nightclub Overview. Empire Ballroom Las Vegas Open every day but Monday, the Empire Ballroom offers a list of resident DJs who all have their own style. These amazing artists are sure to play all the music you love to hear in their own unique style. The Empire Ballroom is not located inside a hotel or casino, like many of the ...

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